Auto & Personal Loans

Auto & Personal Loans

Superb Money Lending Plans at Reasonable Rates

CFS of South Florida offers transparent financing options you can use to purchase vehicles or address emergencies. We work with our clients to ensure that they can the funding they need for their current situation. Whether your credit is good or bad, our team will have a plan that will suit you.


Auto Loans

Purchase the vehicle you’ve been aiming for with our auto financing plans. Our staff will accommodate people no matter their credit score and guide them through the entire lending process. From application to payment, we’ll help you get the funding you need to buy a car and pay for it without worries.

Personal Loans

With our secured personal loans, you’ll have the financial flexibility to fund your school needs, vacations, or large purchases. We work with everybody, even people with bad credit. Our process is transparent and easy to understand so you can quickly apply and get approved for your loan.


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Get in Touch Today

Feel free to contact our office today for more information about our financing plans. Our staff is eager to help you.